Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Template for Legion Hall Objection

Feel free to use this template if objecting to planning application for Legion Hall site in Killester.

Executive Manager
Planning Department
Dublin City Council
Civic Offices, Wood Quay,
Dublin 8

16 November 2009

Dear Sir or Madam

Please find below my observations in respect of:

Planning Application No 4182/09

1. The proposed development is not in keeping with the current zoning. The amenity value of this site has been its green open space that has been available for use since the Legion Hall was built over eighty years ago. Up to a few years ago the hall was available for use by a wide variety of community and sporting groups.
2. The site is located in the centre of a residential conservation area, Z2. The size and scale of the proposed development would not be in keeping with the existing character of the area. The site is right in the centre of the Z2 area was an integral part of the original design layout for the garden village. To build on this site, and reducing the scale of the open space would forever remove the context of the ‘village green’ aspect of this site, which fits into the overall garden village residential design.
3. Right of Way - there has existed a right of way over this site since the Legion Hall was built. The proposed development will remove this established right of way.
4. The development is not a community facility - the plan is to build a large commercial crèche; Killester is over supplied with good quality commercial childcare facilities.
5. Water pressure – water pressure in the area is inadequate, and Dublin City Council inspections have proved that it is half the legal norm, adding a commercial crèche will cause the water pressure to drop even further.
6. Traffic - this development will greatly increase the volume of traffic to the area. A recent Dublin City Council survey revealed that the road through the area had become a rat-run during peak hours.
7. Protected Structure Status – report still pending to Dublin North Central Area Committee of Dublin City Council regarding the proposed Protected Status of the Legion Hall and therefore no planning permission should be granted in respect of the hall while decision is pending.

Please also find enclosed payment of €20.00 in respect of this planning observation.


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