The shots fired today at the junction of Vernon Ave and the Clontarf Road in an attempted raid on a Brinks Allied van show quite clearly that the rule of the gun is gradually taking over on the streets of Dublin.
Following the Dublin shooting in Summerhill earlier this month and another fatal shooting in Tallaght this morning, it is quite clear that there is no sign of a decrease in the gun culture that threatens the very stability of our democracy. While all eyes have been securely fixed on the crisis in the banking system, the continuing use of guns to exact revenge and a perverse form of justice on our streets must remains a matter of utmost concern to the government.
It is clear now that an entirely new approach is needed with improved resources for the Gardai coupled with an increased focus on education along the lines of what the late Tony Gregory always advocated. Are we now facing another year of blood drained streets or will the government stand by those public servants who are our only hope in tackling this creeping evil?