Area | Area 5 - North Central (Nov 09) |
Application Number | 3182/11 |
Application Type | Permission |
Applicant | Lidl Ireland GmbH |
Location | Unit 19 & 31, Butterly Business Park, Kilmore Road, Artane, Dublin 5 |
Proposal | Permission for development on a site of approximately 1.19 hectares. The proposed development comprises: the demolition of (part of, measuring 2,685sqm) an existing commercial building and associated accommodation and improvement works to the retained building; the construction of a new single storey monopitch detached licensed Discount Foodstore measuring 1,921sqm with a net sales area of 1,266sqm with associated signage. The proposed development also comprises a number of consequential alterations throughout the existing business park including relaying and remarking of (part of) the existing car parking area and circulation roads including the provision of pedestrian routes, provision of 12no. cycle parking spaces and 4no. motor cycle parking spaces. The proposed development also comprises a number of improvements to the overall appearance of the existing business park including the relocation underground of a number of overhead cables; the replacement of existing business park signage with a new 'totem' type sign; and other miscellaneous and ancillary alterations including but not limited to modifications to boundary treatments. |
Registration Date | 23-Aug-2011 |