Council Behaviour Over Fairview Park Appalling - Sept 09
The behaviour of City Councillor management in relation to the reconstruction of the playground in Fairview Park following the completion of the Port Tunnel works is absolutely appalling.
Despite continuous lobbying from myself and other public representatives in relation to the playground and in relation to the construction of suitable dressing rooms for local sports clubs, it seems that the Liveline programme on RTE Radio is entitled to more information that I am, as an elected councillor.
A number of weeks ago the council confirmed to the programme that the NRA had allocated €6 million to the council in order to complete all works needed in Fairview Park, a fact not made known to me despite many council questions on the issue. The stock answer received from the council was that work would begin 'when funds were available'. It seems that City Council management have zero respect for city councillors and the people who elect them.
I have attached the reply I have received to the council question I tabled at Monday nights meeting which again fails to address many of the concerns that were raised. This latest chapter in the Fairview saga follows the council's failure to capitalise on €300,000 worth of Sports Capital Funding in the recent past for the building of a 7-a-side all-weather pitch in Fairview, the time limit for which eventually elapsed..
It is time for management to stop treating councillors, clubs and residents with disdain, and to build the park that the people deserve with the funds that are clearly available.
Question to City Manager City Council Meeting 07/09/2009
NCAC To ask the Manager for a statement in relation to Fairview Park and the statement from the NRA that they allocated €6million to Dublin City Council this year including funds specifically for improving the playground at Fairview Park? This is according to the Liveline programme on RTE Radio One last Friday the 21st of August.
Why were local Councillors not informed of this funding despite numerous council questions being tabled on the matter?
Why were local sports clubs involved in numerous meetings with the council not informed about this funding?
Why has works on the local playground not been undertaken?
Will the Manager give an absolute commitment for the completion of the new playground in Fairview Park in this calendar year of 2009 and a timescale for the construction of the project.
Dublin City Council agreed a figure of €1.6million with the National Roads Authority (NRA) in respect of disruption caused to Fairview Park as a result of the construction of the Port Tunnel. This funding together with internal resources is to be used for restoration works in Fairview Park including construction of a pavilion and a new playground.
Roads and Traffic Department sought an allocation of €8.5m in 2009 to cover anticipated needs including €1.6m for Fairview Park. The allocated amount of €6million by the NRA in 2009 was insufficient to meet the contractual commitments, including an incoming debit balance of €3m incurred by the City Council on the Port Tunnel Project and it was therefore not possible to commit to accepting the tender for the construction of the pavilion due the uncertainty with the funding.
The City Council are now rigorously pursuing the NRA to fulfil their commitments with regard to Fairview Park. Following a meeting recently with public representatives and local clubs, a commitment was made to fast track the construction of a modular pavilion to a specification agreed with Clubs. Pending clarification of the NRA funding, the likely completion date for the playground is during 2010.
Paul Clegg, Executive Manager
Tel: 222 3300